Book project

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About Book project

Exploring beyond diagnosis and treatment, this global initiative addresses the broader impacts of cancer on patients and their families, offering crucial support and information.

Over and above diagnosis and treatment, there are many other aspects of cancer which can take their toll on patients and their loved ones in the form of various physical, psychological and social factors. 

Inspire2Live has created a group of specialists who are writing a book about the way cancer can affect the life of patients and their friends and family with chapters dedicated to the different factors. 

This is a unique project based on an initiative by patient advocates and underpinned scientifically. 

Mobilising knowledge

Part of this project is mobilising knowledge. This project, or ‘activity’, is very much inspired by IARC and everything we learn by cooperating with them. Quoting from their website:

IARC’s learning and capacity-building activities have made a substantial contribution to the development of human resources for cancer research in many countries. The two main areas of activity are capacity-building through fellowships and through young scientists’ participation in collaborative research projects and the provision of training courses, increasingly through remote and e-learning means.

Inspire2Live will not work with fellows but we definitely want to provide lectures, courses and e-learning resources. For this reason, we already share the lectures and presentations which are given at our own congresses.

We also ask advocates, researchers and clinicians to talk about their work during our World Campus sessions which take place every last Wednesday of the month to educate Inspire2Live colleagues and their networks. Not to mention the lectures given by well-known researchers who talk about state-of-the-art methodology or an overview of their own work. 

You can find all our talks here >>

Book project

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