What is patient advocacy?

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What is a Patient Advocate?

A Patient Advocate is an inspired and committed individual with a unique gift to accelerate better cancer prevention, diagnostics, treatment and after care. We meet up to support each other and create bigger impact.

If about us, not without us

Patient Advocates are well informed and eloquent. They take the initiative, demand to be heard, and will not sit passively by while decisions made without presence and active input from patients. Others may be medical specialists with tens of thousands of hours of study and experience, or they may be highly qualified managers or policy makers, nobody is more justified and qualified for providing input to decisions than the patient. She and her loved ones have tens of thousands of hours of personal experience. This lends ultimate legitimacy to the patient or patient advocate having a major and decisive role in policy and decision making. When we really want to change research and treatments for patients, we have to set up cooperation with researchers and clinicians. Read more about our mission as Patient Advocates in Inspire2Live.

Meet our Patient Advocates


Sebastian Hermelin
Meet Sebastian Hermelin »
Jessica Greenstein
Meet Jessica Greenstein »
Zoltan Lantos
Meet Zoltán Lantos »