The outline of the 2021 congress is becoming clear and we’re happy to announce that the program of the first day, Wednesday February 3 is ready. Our next Annual Congress, February 3, 4 and 5 at The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, will be around the...
In some of the previous updates we have seen work on the rapid implementation of treatments by Laura van ‘t Veer, and we have listened to the realism of Bob Weinberg: There is not going to be a simple solution. Today we look at the place where solutions come...
Nobody is able to put as many “Ah, now I see (Eureka in Greek)” moments into a lecture quite like Stephen Friend. He has been a loyal and true friend of Inspire2Live since its early days, and he is a most friendly and generous lecturer. But you need to pay...
‘A Patient Advocate is an inspired and committed individual with a unique gift to accelerate better cancer prevention, diagnostics, treatment and after care. We meet up to support each other and create bigger impact.’ Inspire2Live is founded as an...
The Synergist is a non-profit organisation that brings together the right people and organisations around the table, combining knowledge and experiences to provide overall strategic direction and coordination. Mark and I were asked to join with this group, working on...