Patient Advocates – Centre stage now! 

Patient Advocates – Centre stage now! 

How would it feel if people were talking about you behind closed doors and you were not allowed to be in the room? Forbidden to listen and forbidden to speak, yet knowing you’re the topic on the agenda?  How would it feel if people were not only talking about the...
Nicole flying higher than ever

Nicole flying higher than ever

We start with English text. Scroll below if you want to read the Dutch translation including a link to the article in the Dutch newspaper: There was a beautiful article published in the local newspaper last week about Nicole van Leeuwen, our former I2L Office Manager,...
It all starts with palliative care

It all starts with palliative care

Inspire2Live focuses on the entire global patient journey from prevention to palliative care. We do so Prevention: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can prevent 50% of cancer cases. Early detection: Detecting cancer early means higher survival rates. Cancers are often...