The role of the patient advocate

The role of the patient advocate

‘A Patient Advocate is an inspired and committed individual with a unique gift to accelerate better cancer prevention, diagnostics, treatment and after care. We meet up to support each other and create bigger impact.’ Inspire2Live is founded as an...
There is not going to be a simple solution!

There is not going to be a simple solution!

Each and every one of the lectures at the Annual Congress of Inspire2Live 2020 felt revelatory in some way, some because of the science, others because of the passion, or relevance of insight. However there was one that stood out as a summary of the magnificent...
Adaptive Randomization

Adaptive Randomization

Laura van ‘t Veer is one of the most distinguished and most advanced researchers into the practical treatment of breast cancer. This means (of course) that she is now engaged in Personalized Medicine. She is working with Stage II patients, and the challenge of...
Minimally invasive treatments have to become the norm

Minimally invasive treatments have to become the norm

Minimally invasive treatments have to become the norm The fight against cancer is brutal. It includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, which often involves long hospital stays and a lot of pain. In the past, these treatments were mainly focused on primal life,...