Fair drug pricing

Fair drug pricing

Online Patient Advocate Meeting on September 7th 2020 Carin A. Uyl-de Groot studied Health Care Policy and Management at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. From March 1990 onwards she is working at the institute for Medical Technology Assessment/Department of Health...
Hub update: Latin America

Hub update: Latin America

When initiating the action plan for Latin America, it is of vital importance to identify the challenges that the region faces in terms of oncology. Latin America is made up of 20 countries and has a total of 650 million inhabitants, all have different health policies,...
Pharmaceutical industry, friend or foe?

Pharmaceutical industry, friend or foe?

Sometimes people see Inspire2Live as the driving force behind criticism on the pharmaceutical industry when it comes to the prices of especially newly developed treatments for cancer patients. Although sometimes that happens to be the case, it most certainly...
Concentratie van kankerzorg

Concentratie van kankerzorg

Concentratie van kankerzorg.. Inspire2Live streeft hier al jaren naar. Zo kun je de kwaliteit verbeteren én patiënten helpen met informatie over ziekenhuiskeuze. De website www.inspire2go.nl informeert en ondersteunt patiënten bij de keuze voor het beste ziekenhuis....
Hub update: Africa

Hub update: Africa

Every two weeks an update is published of the Hub initiative. Hubs are created in Brazil, Uruguay, Costa Rica, New England (USA), Armenia, Egypt, Kenia, Nigeria and Ghana (Africa), Singapore, Australia and elsewhere. Africa “What does the cancer world learn from...