Inspire2Live has many friends but few donors. This is caused by the way in which we tell our story. You only need to look at our website: a treasure trove of science, dynamism, weekly Updates, World Campus. But also complex and demanding content. High Science and High...
Two weeks ago, my contribution to these pages concerned screening for prostate cancer. I wished to make a point regarding the importance of better understanding our felt reasons for demanding screening versus the rationality of such a demand. I wrote as a man without...
In early 2020, when Covid-19 was rapidly developing into a disastrous pandemic, many patients died of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, a condition of the lungs caused by an over-reaction (cytokine storm) of the immune system. It was pointed out at the time that a...
The British National Health Service tests for prostate cancer only when there are clearly identified symptoms, determined by a doctor. Even though many men and their family have reasons to want a test before they have clear symptoms. There is a rationale for the...
This week an update on a local Dutch issue: the elections for Parliament. For those interested the English translation is provided below. Dat voor ons als Patient Advocates de nationale politiek belangrijk is, moge duidelijk blijken uit de meters die we ook met de...