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Inspire2Live initiatives: Bridging gaps in Cancer Care globally

Inspire2Live’s diverse initiatives reflect our commitment to addressing the comprehensive challenges of cancer care, prevention, and treatment through global collaboration and innovative approaches.

Access to Medicines

An urgent discussion among global patient advocates from the Inspire2Live World Campus, focusing on enhancing access to vital medications post-2023 Annual Congress insights. A group of patient advocates from the […]

The A-Care program’s extensive research now supports personalised physiotherapy and sports programs for improving cancer survivors’ quality of life.  Thanks to A-Care program, there is now an extensive scientific analysis […]

Book project

Exploring beyond diagnosis and treatment, this global initiative addresses the broader impacts of cancer on patients and their families, offering crucial support and information. Over and above diagnosis and treatment, […]

Breast cancer in Ghana often goes undetected and untreated for a very long time, resulting in both physical deformities and stigmatisation of the patient. For this reason, it is extremely […]

Cancer as the new pandemic

Due to COVID-19, it appears that many cancer cases have either not been diagnosed, or have been diagnosed at a much later stage. We believe that this will have an […]

Local efforts to prioritise cancer care by identifying specific cancer challenges within countries, supported by accurate data collection and analysis.  Determining the primary cancer care needs within a country requires […]

A global lighthouse project providing personalised treatment plans by merging Whole Genome Sequencing with drug screening, focusing initially on glioblastoma and pancreatic cancer. Spearheading personalised treatment in Cancer Care: DEEP Diagnostics […]

Local efforts to prioritise cancer care by identifying specific cancer challenges within countries, supported by accurate data collection and analysis.  In collaboration with the Partnership for the Eradication of Cancer […]

Lifestyle and cancer

Exploring beyond diagnosis and treatment, this initiative addresses the broader impacts of cancer on patients and their families, offering crucial support and information. This is probably the broadest topic which […]

Minimally invasive therapies

A local initiative, started in the Netherlands, “Opereren zonder snijden” (surgery without incision) is a network of patients, doctors and scientists which aims to offer the most appropriate treatment for individual […]

MRI improvements in low- and middle-income countries

An initiative featuring Professors Jelle Barentsz and Maurice van den Bosch, aiming to enhance MRI use in Low- and Middle-Income Countries for improved cancer care. In recent years several Low- […]

Multi cancer early detection

A global initiative where we are working with SeekIn to advance early cancer detection technologies, increasing treatment options and survival rates. By detecting cancer as early as possible, there are […]