Verklaring over betalingen door Inspire2Live

Gisteren en vandaag is er veel negatieve berichtgeving geweest over de stichting Inspire2Live en de stichting Alpe d’HuZes. Dat raakt ons diep en we betreuren het dat patiënten en hun naasten en mensen die zich met toewijding en hoop inzetten in de strijd tegen kanker...

Pancreatic Cancer congress in october 2013

Because the results on Pancreatic Cancer are so poor we, Inspire2Live Patient Advocates, want more attention for this type of cancer, which is deadly for 100% in most forms. 3000 new patients means that nearly 3000 people are dying each year. And this has to be...

The fellowship for life

In 2011 we launched our Understanding Life program. The program embraced the view that cancer is a life threatening disease and a systemic problem. It is among the leading causes of death worldwide. About 12 million people are newly diagnosed with the disease and 7.5...

Partnering with patients

By Fiona Godlee editor, BMJ (British Medical Journal) Last month we published a plea from Dave deBronkart (also known as e-Patient Dave) to “let patients help.” As a survivor of stage IV, grade 4 renal cell carcinoma, he described how the online patient community...