New website on Excellent Cancer Centres has launched

New website on Excellent Cancer Centres has launched

Inspire2Live proudly presents the new website on Excellent Cancer Centres (Inspire2Go): Why is this important? This is the first time that patients can directly obtain meaningful and reliable information on the medical quality offered by hospitals...
New website on Excellent Cancer Centres has launched

Keuzehulp Inspire2GO kan levens kankerpatiënten redden

Op 24 april 2018 bood Inspire2Live een petitie aan de Vaste commissie VWS aan om diagnostiek en behandeling van kankerpatiënten uitsluitend uit te laten voeren in excellente kankercentra. De minister reageerde hierop in een brief van 28 juni 2018, waarin hij schrijft...
Summary of our Annual Congress 2020

Summary of our Annual Congress 2020

We are happy and proud about our past congress of January that relied on ‘Evidence, Arrogance, Ignorance, Eminence’ at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. All participants and our speakers blew our mind and we are still thrilled after all those weeks....