The website has been publicly available since 19th of March with the results of excellent cancer centres for six types of cancer. We did not seek any publicity, but nevertheless we have gotten some very positive and supportive reactions. Once the public...
Our Annual Congress in January this year was honored with the presence and presentation of Olofunmilayo Olopade. She’s a medical doctor and professor in oncology at the University of Chicago. Mrs Olopade studied women with a preventable breast cancer, especially women...
If we implement NOW what we can already do and if we switch to personalized medicine, 80% of cancer will be under control in ten years’ time. In order to reach this result we need to change the current system. Differences between cancer treatments in centers are...
Oncokompas is onder leiding van Prof. dr. Irma-Verdonck de Leeuw in het leven geroepen, samen met een geweldig team van ervaringsdeskundigen en (zorg)professionals. Oncokompas maakt een totaalplaatje van kwaliteit van leven door te kijken naar leefstijl, fysiek,...
Inspire2Live is highly recognized in initiatives around personalized medicine, setting up innovative research for better treatments, concentration of cancer care in excellent cancer centres, better diagnosis, food and cancer, prevention (tobacco), the cost of drugs,...