Concentratie van kankerzorg

Concentratie van kankerzorg

Concentratie van kankerzorg.. Inspire2Live streeft hier al jaren naar. Zo kun je de kwaliteit verbeteren én patiënten helpen met informatie over ziekenhuiskeuze. De website informeert en ondersteunt patiënten bij de keuze voor het beste ziekenhuis....
Hub update: Africa

Hub update: Africa

Every two weeks an update is published of the Hub initiative. Hubs are created in Brazil, Uruguay, Costa Rica, New England (USA), Armenia, Egypt, Kenia, Nigeria and Ghana (Africa), Singapore, Australia and elsewhere. Africa “What does the cancer world learn from...
The Global Future of Inspire2Live

The Global Future of Inspire2Live

On June 5th 2020, Inspire2Live organised a tele-consultation session. Objective was to consult four leading scientists about our global future. Inspire2Live is committed to expanding its presence among patients and researchers all over the world. We will challenge...
What if you suffer from cancer?

What if you suffer from cancer?

I have cancer for 15 years now and I’m still living a happy and healthy life in harmony with it. The fact I am still alive is the result of a significant number of timely interventions during those 15 years. The present Corona crisis has had a very dangerous side...