How-to book for partners of cancer patients

How-to book for partners of cancer patients

When Ingemar van der Molen Kuipers was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010, the ground was also swept from under the feet of her husband Remco. He didn’t know how to fill his new role and fled into drink and prescription medication. Ten years after the...
World Campus Laser Beams

World Campus Laser Beams

We lost Fabrizia Stavru. I called her our laser beam. She has the unfaltering ability to focus, to stick to relevance, to make breakthroughs. Due to COVID-19, I have never met her in person. I told her that I fell in love with her presence. I speak in the present...
The White Wall

The White Wall

A good friend of Inspire2Live, Judith Weeda, has fully recovered from Hodgkin’s disease after some demanding treatment. Together with her brother (who is a designer and gifted cartoonist) she has written a book about her experiences. And it is not your usual heavy...
Taking responsibility for your treatment

Taking responsibility for your treatment

A diagnosis of cancer is a shock for anyone. It is very unusual for an individual to be prepared for this. It is also unusual for a person to know how to handle it. However, the patient and carer can learn from other people who have come through this experience. A...