It’s all about WE

It’s all about WE

I recently read “The Biomedical Empire” by Barbara Katz Rothman, an American sociologist. An astonishing book. She calls it “Empire”, whereas I prefer “Medical Industrial Complex”. The cooperation between patient organizations, doctors, researchers, government...
Why rankings can be misleading

Why rankings can be misleading

Cancer ranks as the deadliest disease worldwide. This is a partial truth because, whether it is the disease with the most victims or not, it doesn’t account for where you live for example. Now that COVID-19 has locked us down, questions arise about the relative impact...
Wake up time

Wake up time

It is currently “cucumber time”, or the slow news season, that time during the summer months when people have time to think, instead of work, and I want to take advantage of this to generate a vision for the future of Inspire2live and the importance of the World...
What do you mean, our economy can’t afford prevention?

What do you mean, our economy can’t afford prevention?

With her book “The Biomedical Empire”, Barbara Katz Rothman, a medical sociologist from New York University, makes me a bit sad. She starts with that irritating remark: “Just imagine the financial crisis around the world if we just cured sickness”. She describes the...