Breast cancer and patient advocacy

Breast cancer and patient advocacy

On Saturday, October 9 2021, our Breast Cancer Symposium (Borstkankersymposium) took place for the seventh time. To reflect all  themes from previous editions the title of this year’s symposium was: Breast Cancer through the Years Due to this year’s symposium being...
Moving evidence into practice

Moving evidence into practice

On November 11, Inspire2Live organized a one-day congress to bring the best techniques for screening, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer to the patient, however this wasn’t as simple as it seemed. This theme congress was called ‘Moving Evidence into...
Putting the bottom in bottom-up

Putting the bottom in bottom-up

In 2020/21 the World Campus gained critical mass in less than a year. The point on the horizon is what we call Bottom-Up Cancer Support (BUCS). This means that we seek reciprocal action with highly committed groups which are active locally. We work bottom up, striving...
Prevention should be first

Prevention should be first

It is known that the approach to cancer can be tough, from partial diagnosis and complicated treatments to difficult and expensive cures. In the struggle with cancer, we gladly look to its end, when the patient will be cured. But we often forget that, in many cases,...
Exploring the untold story of HPV

Exploring the untold story of HPV

Most people have heard about cervical cancer and its vaccine. Not many people know about the human papillomavirus (HPV) which causes cervical cancer. Even fewer people know that this virus causes seven types of cancer in both men and women. And only a handful of the...