The value of patient education

The value of patient education

The value of patient education and its impact on meaningful engagement, contribution and exchange The terms patient voice, patient empowerment, and patient engagement all advocate the importance of the role a patient fills by sitting at the table and contributing to...
Let’s fill the empty chairs!

Let’s fill the empty chairs!

Our Annual Congress took place from September 14-16 at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam and, as many of our participants experienced, this wasn’t your typical congress! When have you ever been to an event where you start the day dancing...
Hero of Cancer Award for Khama Rogo

Hero of Cancer Award for Khama Rogo

Professor Khama Rogo was trained as an obstetrician-gynaecologist before earning his MD/PhD in Gynaecological Oncology in Sweden and serving in academic medicine across three continents. Public health held his interest right from the beginning and the position of...
Join us at our 2022 Annual Congress

Join us at our 2022 Annual Congress

September 14-16, 2022 at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam To delay the development of a treatment that cures a lethal disease that kills 100.000 people per year is to be responsible for the deaths of those 100.000 people, even if you...
Save the date: Dutch Breast Cancer Symposium 2022

Save the date: Dutch Breast Cancer Symposium 2022

On October 15 2022, the 8th edition of the Dutch national breast cancer symposium will take place in Doorn in the Netherlands. This year’s theme is “zorg voor elkaar” which means “caring for each other” but it also relates to ensuring “quality of care for breast...