The White Wall

The White Wall

A good friend of Inspire2Live, Judith Weeda, has fully recovered from Hodgkin’s disease after some demanding treatment. Together with her brother (who is a designer and gifted cartoonist) she has written a book about her experiences. And it is not your usual heavy...
Taking responsibility for your treatment

Taking responsibility for your treatment

A diagnosis of cancer is a shock for anyone. It is very unusual for an individual to be prepared for this. It is also unusual for a person to know how to handle it. However, the patient and carer can learn from other people who have come through this experience. A...
Breast Cancer Incidence and Registry in Iran

Breast Cancer Incidence and Registry in Iran

In Iran, cancer, after cardiovascular diseases and motor vehicle accidents ranks third among the most common causes of death. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and the median age of diagnosis with breast cancer is a decade earlier than in high-income...
A Patient Advocate’s view

A Patient Advocate’s view

Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience.’ Howard Zinn Something terrible happened in healthcare that doesn’t benefit patients. Actually, it is what we patient advocates call ‘Dying is safer’. For some of the stakeholders in...