What cancer does

What cancer does

Cancer is a killer. Cancer invalidates people and destroys the lives of individuals and families. Just like wars, we will never have peace with cancer. Since Nixon declared the war on cancer in 1971, the notion that cancer is war has become anathema. One naturally...
Every cancer patient has the right to rehab

Every cancer patient has the right to rehab

I have known the Tegenkracht (Dutch for “counterforce”) foundation since 2007. I will never forget how, as a cancer patient, I gave a presentation in the canteen of the Amsterdam Sloten cycling track, together with a few others, about how I had “rehabilitated” myself....
Who are we

Who are we

This month we have our 10th World Campus meeting. But who are we? We are a very heterogeneous group. Let me try to make sense of who we are, not by stressing what we have in common or elucidating what common denominator binds us, but by looking at what makes us...
How-to book for partners of cancer patients

How-to book for partners of cancer patients

When Ingemar van der Molen Kuipers was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010, the ground was also swept from under the feet of her husband Remco. He didn’t know how to fill his new role and fled into drink and prescription medication. Ten years after the...
World Campus Laser Beams

World Campus Laser Beams

We lost Fabrizia Stavru. I called her our laser beam. She has the unfaltering ability to focus, to stick to relevance, to make breakthroughs. Due to COVID-19, I have never met her in person. I told her that I fell in love with her presence. I speak in the present...