Bus stop cancer

Bus stop cancer

Ghana has a population of 30.8 mln inhabitants with 6 mln people living in the capital and greater Accra region. The Ghana economy is dominated by women and largely controlled by petty trading and high-end merchandise. Most travel is by road and buses. Rail and air...
Medicines too expensive? Produce them yourself!

Medicines too expensive? Produce them yourself!

In many countries and situations patients are not getting the medicines they need. For this reason, Inspire2Live has done a lot of research which we would like to share with you here. When confronted with a situation in which pharmaceutical firms are demanding...
Climbing the stairs to a new level

Climbing the stairs to a new level

The World Campus is a miraculous success. We began with just 5 countries a little over a year ago and in September 2021, we have representatives located in over 35 countries and more than 50 hubs with expected growth next year to over 50 countries and the creation of...
Awareness, Education, Prevention and Government

Awareness, Education, Prevention and Government

Last week we had several good discussions with our global patient advocates and scholar activists about breast cancer prevention and prevention of HPV related cancers. Not only cervical cancer can be prevented AND eradicated via vaccination; in total 7 devastating HPV...
The World Campus in 7 concepts

The World Campus in 7 concepts

The World Campus was conceived in March 2020 based on a review of the Inspire2Live 2020 Annual Congress. Inspire2Live had always been aimed at all cancer patients, irrespective of the type of cancer, country, culture or creed. However it had found its base mainly in...