Annual Congress September 14-16, 2022

Annual Congress September 14-16, 2022

Moving the world for the global patient through reciprocity To delay the development of a treatment that cures a lethal disease that kills 100.000 people per year is to be responsible for the deaths of those 100.000 people, even if you have never seen them. ~ Julian...
We can do better!

We can do better!

When Inspire2Live organised its first Annual Congress in 2011, José Baselga opened with the following statement: We are not meant to be here for 1- or 2-months’ life extension. We can do better! Inspire2Live set up DEEP Diagnostics: Decision Excellence for Each...
Don’t write off an employee with cancer

Don’t write off an employee with cancer

Third edition of the Dutch National Cancer and Work Day (Nationale Kanker en Werk Dag) The third edition of the Dutch National Cancer and Work Day (Nationale Kanker en Werk Dag or NKWD) will take place on March 15 2022, preceded by 2 online introductory sessions on...
Cancer and chronic stress

Cancer and chronic stress

Psychological stress is what we feel when we are under mental, physical, or emotional pressure. Stress is not always a problem, some level of stress can be beneficial in situations that require our full attention, or in case we need to escape danger. The issue is when...
Alcohol and cancer, so what?

Alcohol and cancer, so what?

Alcohol consumption was tied to 750,000 cancer cases worldwide in 2020[1] and there are many ways in which it can increase the risk of cancers, such as oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, colorectal and esophageal as well as liver and breast cancers. Experts all over the...