A presentation of and discussion with Dr. Juan Garona from Argentina on ‘Drug Repurposing in Osteosarcoma: Between Opportunities and unmet needs’.
Dr. Juan Garona is a young adjunct researcher at the Argentinian National Scientific and Technical Research Council. He earned a PhD. in Science and Technology at the Quilmes National University in Buenos Aires, after obtaining a Master in Science degree focused on Biotech. Garona is a Group leader of the Colorectal Cancer Unit, at the Center for Translational Medicine at El Cruce Hospital, in the Greater Area of Buenos Aires.
He is also a Senior scientist at the Center of Molecular and Translational Oncology at Quilmes National University, under the general and scientific Direction of Dr. Gomez and Alonso, respectively, and a Professor of “Human Physiology” and “Cellular and Molecular Biology”at its Department of Science and Technology. He has an active background of scientific production and technology transfer, with a record of nearly 30 original research papers and reviews, 4 book chapters, more than 40 short communications, and 70 work presentations at international or national science meetings.
Finally, his areas of professional interest include:
- Drug repurposing in aggressive cancers
- Anticancer drug development
- Biomarker research
- Perioperative tumor biology
- Tumor microenvironment, antiangiogenics and immunotherapy
Dr. Juan Garona, PhD
Investigador Adjunto CONICET – Profesor UNQ
Centro de Oncología Molecular y Traslacional (COMTra) / UNQ
Centro de Medicina Traslacional (CEMET) / Hospital El Cruce