Personalised Food
June 20, 2014

Inspire2Live is currently involved in a Dutch public-private partnership that assesses the business potential of Personalised Food. Personalised Food refers to food produced for the specific needs of an individual en goes well beyond common and general dietary advice currently given to citizens and to patients in hospitals. It honours the fact that all humans are different, and aims to develop more health-enabling matches between nourishing plants and individual persons.

The project establishes a link between biomedical research on metabolic mapping based on the human genome, and the horticultural sector. Ultimate goal is to develop fresh food with specific nutritional value, that consumers (patients and healthy people alike) can confidently use to restore, sustain or improve their health.

Inspire2live ambition is that food becomes an acknowledged and integral part of the medical health prevention and intervention repertoire.

Inspire2Live has urged for the partnership to work together. Main collaborating partners are Amsterdam Economic Board, Province of Flevoland, CAH Vilentum Almere University of Applied Sciences, Universities of Amsterdam (UvA and VU).

For more information (in Dutch): or contact projectlead Gaston Remmers (