Daniel Gomez

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Phone number: 5491158939983

Who am I

I am an M.D., Ph.D. from the University of Buenos Aires. I am the Director of the Center of Molecular Oncology and Translational Medicine and a Full Professor at Quilmes National University in Argentina. Between 2010 to 2020 I was a Member of the Board and Director of the National Cancer Institute of Argentina.


Our mission at the National Cancer Institute of Argentina was to reduce cancer incidence and to improve the life of patients. However, I realised that all our efforts were not enough. Every patient has different needs that need to be met in different ways. I feel committed to the principles of Inspire2Live.


Development of new anticancer drugs.

Involved projects


Cancer as the new pandemic

Due to COVID-19, it appears that many cancer cases have either not been diagnosed, or have been diagnosed at a much later stage. We believe that this will have an […]