Coen van Veenendaal leaves Inspire2Live, Tielo Jongmans succeeds him
November 22, 2018

Coen van Veenendaal leaves Inspire2Live to focus more on holistic activities in the field of health in general. The focus of Inspire2Live is and remains to find effective, medical scientific, treatments for cancer patients and ensure that these are available for every patient. The importance of focus means that the Supervisory Board of Inspire2Live and Coen jointly decided to separate the activities. The Supervisory Board regrets and accepts his resignation and is grateful for the enormous dedication and contribution of Coen to Inspire2Live.

In accordance with the articles of association, the Supervisory Board appointed Tielo Jongmans as the chairman and director of Inspire2Live to replace Coen. Tielo has accepted this appointment with enthusiasm.

Tielo (1953) has a history in mathematics, ICT and banking. He recently became one of the patient advocates of Inspire2Live: ( For a number of years, he has been indirectly involved in the activities of the Supervisory Board of Inspire2Live. He has worked together with Coen and Peter for years, with Peter even more than thirty years. Based on that past, the Supervisory Board has asked him to succeed Coen, which he enthusiastically is willing to do. The Supervisory Board is confident that Tielo will play a valuable and contributing role in Inspire2Live’s activities and will highly support the Patient Advocates.

For any further information please contact Peter Kapitein: or mobile +31652496099