Huig Schipper
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Who am I
I am a Patient Advocate of Inspire2Live since 2013. After diagnosed in 2006 of colon cancer I had surgery in the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (AvL) hospital in Amsterdam. I received chemo therapy in the Catharina hospital in Eindhoven. Because of removal of recurrent polipes I see my doctor in the Catharina hospital quite regularly.
Since 2001 I am retired with Philips where I worked as management consultant.
The first years I was surprised by the slow speed of innovation in the medical field compared to other fields. There is ample room for improvement . The field is divided in many separated silo’s each with their own goals and knowledge. The patient is often the only common denominator and the one with the highest stakes. It is my conviction that scientific research will ultimately make cancer a chronic disease . As a Patient Advocate I will support that research and implementation for the patient.
My work as a Patient Advocate concentrates around research and implementation through networking and participating in several organizations. I am amongst others a member of the BBMRI – MAB, the Dutch biobanking organisation’s Civil Advisory Board, member of the Patient Advisory Board of the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL) , member of the Patient Expert Board of the study MyownResearch.
I am alumnus at the university of Utrecht at which I finished my study in physics and mathematics.

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