Henk Koopmans

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Phone number: +31654353810

Who am I

I am a Patient Advocate of Inspire2Live, since 2017. I survived rectum cancer during summer 2017, treated successfully. Actually I am taking part in a scientific program “Wait and See” chaired by Prof. Geraard Beets (AVL). Father (68) 2 brothers (42 & 42) & 1 (56) sister passed away as a result of various cancers. Amongst closely connected family and friends are quite a lot (ex) cancer patients. My personal motto: ‘Even if I know that the world is about to go tomorrow, I plant an Appletree today’, (Maarten Luther)


I see it as a mission to never ever quit and be there for everyone that needs me. I am eager to: Making my experience, know-how and network available for Inspire2Live and (ex)cancer patients.


Boardroom Sparring Partner for SME’s on technological/political/financial issues. Influence of IT&AI technology/Biotechnology/Nanotechnology on societal developments and vice/versa. The NCD Academy (postdoc training for non-executive Board Members) on technological developments in connection with societal evolution. Talks at Summits and workshops for a great variety of SME’s, Specialists, Scientists and Opinion leaders on same issues from a holistic perspective for EU, National Governments & Ministries’ of EU Member States as well as at European & USA Universities

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