Ghada Ibrahim

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Phone number: +41796635471

Who am I

My name is Ghada Ibrahim, a medical entomologist by training, patient advocate by conviction. I believe that we are all patients at some point in our lives, our family and friends will be too and therefore view health literacy as a fundamental right. I am an ardent believer that Patient Public Inclusion (PPI) in Medicines R&D and Clinical Research is crucial, as patients are invaluable contributors to research and vital partners in speeding up inno-vation and accelerating research for better health outcomes. Therefore, patient education for better patient engagement is the way forward for an integrative approach in any health care structure. I am the president of Patient Advocates for Cancer Rese-arch and Treatment (PACRT- Geneva) and a member of EU-PATI - Switzerland ( European patient education platform) cur-rently seeking to become a EUPATI fellow. I live in Geneva, Switzerland with my two wonderful children.


I am a medical entomologist by training, with extensive experience in basic science research, namely in the field of tropical medicine, with a focus on mosquito borne diseases. I hold two Masters degrees from Cairo, Egypt and Wisconsin, United States. My last laboratory post was with the University of Lausanne while working on Malaria vaccines. After deciding on a career change, I worked as Clinical Studies Coordinator at the Geneva University hospitals and obtained a diploma in Clinical Trial Management from the University of Geneva. Since then I have been directing my focus in the workplace to the management of clinical trials with an emphasis on upholding the primordial dogmas of the protection of the rights, safety and well-being of the patient.


Clinical Trial Management; Scientific Writing and Editing; Advoca-cy in Cancer Research

Involved projects


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