Stephen Rowley

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Phone number: +447803052723

Phone number: +441453763181

Who am I

My training is in science, engineering and the arts and I have worked and collaborated internationally all of my life. I played a role in the development of the internet and maintain a technological thread in my life, despite leaving the IT industry in 1993 to concentrate on the arts. A multi-disciplinary artist, musician and keen sailor. Founded an international music festival & society in 1999 and a national conference for folk drama in 2011. I am a patient advocate at with the NHS at local and regional level. I help to organise cancer rehabilitation services locally. In 2020 I founded a national bowel cancer support group.


I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2015, completed treatment and now NED. My brother died of the disease in 2018.


Colorectal cancer, Prehab, Rehabilitation, online peer support.

Involved projects


Lifestyle and cancer

Exploring beyond diagnosis and treatment, this initiative addresses the broader impacts of cancer on patients and their families, offering crucial support and information. This is probably the broadest topic which […]