Inspire2Live distinguishes Stephen Friend, Wanda de Kanter and Pauline Dekker with the Patient Advocate Hero of Cancer Award. The awards were given for their merits to put patients first. The prizes were awarded during the annual conference of Inspire2Live, held from 30 January to 1 February 2019 in Amsterdam. The conference took place under the telling title: ‘We want to sit at the table, not being on the menu!’
A changed view on smoking
Both Wanda de Kanter and Pauline Dekker have proven that they always get the full 100% for their patients. They do everything that’s in their power to prevent people becoming patients because they know the world of Peter Stuyvesant. They make it very clear that the smoker is not the culprit; it is the tobacco industry that we have to blame. They have shown us that the marketing of the industry is deliberately aimed at children. Despite various setbacks, they achieved a changed view on smoking.
Cancer research to a higher level
Stephen Friend has been of great importance for cancer research and has raised research to a higher level. He also ensured that cancer treatments are more effective. He provided better treatments and thus a better quality of life for patients. We are impressed by his effort to teach people how to take care of their own health. He builds communities of citizens and patients who learn from each other. Healthcare therefore achieves higher standards.