Valérie Tolédano

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Who am I

I am a graduate of Patient’s University, Sorbonne, Paris (France). After a double degree, Patient Expert in Cancerology and Therapeutic Patient Education, I started teaching with a strong interest in Peer to Peer learning. I also became a Patient as a Researcher, focusing my work on the unmet needs of individuals with cancer across the illness trajectory.


In the early’80s, I became an actress, a drama professor and a script writer as well. Simultaneously, I was trust into a medical story that proved to be complex. I lived with and in spite of successive cancers. Art, illness and pedagogy converged upon a single path creating synergy that gives meaning to my commitment as a Patient Advocate.


To improve the quality of life of patients and respond to their need to be better informed and listened to, I am developing an innovative service: a highly customized and interactive platform that offers an immersive experience for patients and their relatives to navigate through the complexity of the care process.
Valerie Toledano

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